Social media is an instrumental tool that improves the search engine optimization of your website. If you wish to get more brand visibility online, it is prudent for you to opt for regular content posting on your social media business pages. This will help you get more followers for your service or product. Social media platforms also help you to convert leads into sales as many people are interested in your niche and are looking for you online. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, might not directly influence SEO. However, they have a great role to play in brand credibility, visibility, and presence.
Instagram and SEO
As mentioned above, SEO and social media are not directly linked to one another however if you wish to transform your business and create a tremendous impact on your targeted audience, it is prudent for you to opt for Instagram posting on a regular basis. You may wonder as to why Instagram is an ideal platform for you when you already have Facebook and Twitter that are doing quite well for business pages. If you take a look at Instagram today, you will find it is a user-friendly platform that can be used for regular posting of visual content that really can influence your targeted audience to a large extent. It is a mobile application that is easily downloaded on your smartphone, and you can upload and edit photographs while you are on the move. Experts say that Instagram has the following advantages when it comes to posting on social SEO-
- There are over 700 million registered users on Instagram, and they are in the age group of 18-30 years. This means when you opt for this social media platform you can connect with an audience that is technologically savvy and up-to-date with the latest goods and services available in the market.
- Instagram is a photo sharing platform where you can share photos of your products and services to the world. These photos can be easily taken on your smartphone and uploaded instantly. You do not need a sophisticated camera to take these photos as the social media platform gives you frames and photo filters that help you share these pictures online instantly. Instagram also has a unique feature for you to use, it is called Stories. You can use the pictures of your business and create an interesting story that will engage your readers and increase your followers for Instagram with services like InstaMacro. These stories are popular as users are encouraged to share the fast. They disappear after 24 hours.
Instagram has an easy user interface, and this means you can do the content posting yourself. You do not have to spend money on hiring professional companies to do the job for you. However, when you are posting on Instagram, you must ensure you share content and media that is high in quality. The resolution of the pictures has to be good.
When you are using Instagram, it is prudent for you to use hashtags correctly. These hashtags will drive referral traffic back to your website if they are used in the right way. The moment you use hashtags in social media marketing, you have better chances of visibility on Google and other search engine results.
Remember that social media and SEO strategies are woven together tightly. They are organic and inbound. The focus for social SEO is to build an identity that web visitors can relate with. The right social marketing strategy with Instagram will influence your website rankings on Google and bring in more followers. Search marketers and webmasters focus on these strategies so that you get noticed online.
Instagram and other social media profiles find a place in Google search rankings. It is wise to be serious with a social media marketing strategy on Instagram and other business profiles you may have. Remember the strategy you use for one social media platform will not be the same for another. This is why it is prudent for you to explore the social media platforms and get an insight into how they work. This largely helps you to create your long term and short- term strategies for your business. Instagram is simple for you to learn and if you are not using it, download the mobile application and start to use it today.
Search engine optimization is an essential tool for you to use in the internet market today. When you are using Instagram for social media marketing, ensure that you post the link to your website underneath the bio description. Remember that people visit Google to search for stuff however they also visit social media profiles to check on the credibility and goodwill of a brand. Use Instagram wisely and see the positive difference it can bring to your business.