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My husband Steve just started graduate school, and a couple of weeks ago he was studying for mid-term exams. It was right around the time the weather started to get cooler, and this is often when colds and flu start going around. It seemed that everywhere I turned people were getting sick. Sadly, Steve get struck with a nasty cold and it took him over a week to recover.
I was able to avoid catching what Steve had, and boy was I happy about that! Was it pure luck that I didn’t get sick? As soon as I knew I was at risk for getting a cold I took a few precautions, and this is what I would like to share with you.
Tips for keeping colds and the flu at bay:
1. Avoid sugar
This is probably the best thing you can do for your body since sugar lowers the strength of your immune system. Remember, fruit juice is loaded with sugar.
2. Get rest
If you feel you might be getting sick, get to sleep extra early. Take a sick day from work and don’t do anything unless you absolutely must. This may mean taking a break from your exercise routine. We tend to be on the go all the time and think the more we do the better, but conserving energy will allow your immune system to do its job.
3. Eat your vegetables
Try to eat 3-5 servings (or more) of vegetables a day. Most vegetables (such as bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, lemons, leafy greens, asparagus, celery, etc.) are rich in vitamin C, which aids your immune system.
4. Create and use a “stay healthy” kit
Your kit might include vitamin C, zinc lozenges, alcohol-free echinacea and goldenseal, and grapefruit seed extract. Choose high-quality products and follow the directions of your physician and those on the products.
5. Drink lots of water
Increase your water intake to 8-12 cups per day. Water will help flush out your system.
6. Get regular exercise
While you’re feeling good, maintain a regular exercise routine. Exercise increases blood flow and circulation and will keep your body strong.
Women: are you sick and tired of feeling unhealthy and down on yourself?
If you are ready to make lasting lifestyle changes for yourself and your family, stop your war with food, and get healthy, Amy Lippmann, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, can help.
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