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1. Examine a successful application. With many of the programs out there, you should be able to get a copy for the asking.


2. Be friendly. It sounds simple, but many people are so intimidated when dealing with the government that they freeze up. Talk about the weather. Ask about their weekend. Treat the bureaucrat like a colleague, customer or friend, and you gain a personality in their eyes. When it comes time to review your application, you’re not just an anonymous number.


3. Start small… at first. Even if you’re hoping to get a much bigger grant down the road, just ask for enough to complete the first stage of your project. If you get it, show how you used the funds, and come back for more. You’ve already made your contacts, and it’s much easier for them to back a winner.


For information on grants & loans for your new or existing business call 1-800-658-9792 . Or write us at Small Business Funding Centre 1500 Bank Street, Room 425, Ottawa Canada K1H 1B8 or e-mail us.


This Financial Services article was written by The Small Business Funding Centre on 1/13/2006

The SBFC’s mandate is to help new and existing Canadian small businesses gain access to government funding: helping young entrepreneurs gain the knowledge and tools to get funding to help start-up their own practice. Coincidently, they also have an interesting and educational monthly newsletter/online database containing hundreds of articles related to various business topics and related issues.