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Entrepreneurship has been very good to me!


You say you want to involve yourself in Entrepreneurship? Good choice. But I’ll just bet that you believe all it’s going to give you is financial independence, right? Let me tell you that is the least of what it will give you.


Entrepreneurship has meant so much more to me over the past thirty years, the least of which has been financial independence.


The benefits one derives has much more to do with applications in everyday life than anything else. When you are an entrepreneur, you are leaning discipline and the value of making sacrifices, plus it teaches you that all you can become is already inside of you.


Everyone is endowed with his or her own “great potential”. I have always believed that. But the fact of the matter is this: not everyone will be a champion in this lifetime. Perhaps initially that’s a fact that is difficult for some to face but only because we oftentimes try to force ourselves to be “who” we are not. We search and search for something or someone to become, rather than cultivating and following our own uniqueness.


Start first inside yourself and remember to like exactly who you are at any given time. Be “special” with how you treat yourself and others. And by all means, work with, not against yourself, and your personal truths will become apparent. Perhaps you won’t be a champion in the classical sense of the word, but what you might find is that your gift is in the ability to show someone else how to get there.


Entrepreneurship is really about transformation. Remember when you were young and sat in a science class watching the emergence of a butterfly from a cocoon? Do you know you are that creature? Constantly changing, moving forward, never exactly the same today, as you were the day before.


My point is this, you have got to use the discipline and focus you learn in life to survive in the real world, to always be the very best you” can be. That is what life is all about.


As I see it, I live only once. When this day has passed, I’ll never see it again, so I make sure that I live that day to its fullest. That means that I always maintain my focus on what I want to achieve, I give what I am able of the knowledge I possess. And most of all, I laugh along the way — always laugh.


Listen to me, Entrepreneurship can be the greatest lesson in “self’ improvement and “self’ learning that you will find. I know that it has been for me.


Entrepreneurship has been very, very good to me, and I am convinced that it can benefit all of you as well.


As I write the monthly president’s message, I hope that I can pass on to you even a fraction of the knowledge and wisdom I have gained in my entrepreneurial life.

This Entrepreneurship article was written by Jerry R Mitchell on 5/23/2006

Entrepreneurship can be good to everyone.