The reading level for this article is Novice
Surfvibe | | Partner/Associate | 10/21/2002 | Sole Proprietor
Tanzil Aslam is a partner and associate of SurfVibe##comma## an internet based company located at www.SurfVibe.Com
What kind of training or education did you acquire before your venture?
At high school I took our team to he national finals of Young Enterprise in the U.K. I have been previosly involved in companies and have several business qualifications
What services or products does your organization offer?
The company offers everything from tailor made websites##comma## to flowers delivered to your the next day. It also incorporates a state-of-the-art meta search engine. The company is based in the North-West of England.
What type of business or organization do you operate?
At the moment the business is still techincally a ##aps##partnership##aps## -a sole trader. the simple reason for this being the money saved on registration costs##comma## as when we began we were 15 yr olds.
How many employees do you currently have?
How did you originally discover the idea for your organization?
How did you originally fund your organization?
Are you the founder of your organization?
Do you believe there is any distinct culture within your organization? If so, please describe it.
Not as such##comma## however we do fell we are a peoples company##comma## made for the people by the people.
What obstacles or challenges have you faced in your organization?
The main obstacle of any business is funding. Luckily for us some very well calculated personal investments and marketing strategies meant we got off to a flying start.
Did you accept any advice along the way? Do you believe new organizations should be open to such advice?
impossible to express my gratitude to business advisors. We recieved all our advice for free from day one. without their help and experience we would not be where we are today.
Did you receive any help along the way from other businesses or organizations? If so, how and from whom?
The local TEC and Enterprise unit. Helped us with business advice and funding sources.
What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success?
Staff dedication and commitment. As we speak Surfvibe is facing a fincancial crisis of sorts##comma## but the staff can still find the time to fill out these interviews!! Without this optimism our company would not be what it is- but be warned optimism only gets you so far.
What kind of relationship do you establish with your customers or clients?
You probably heard this a million times##comma## but it really works! We consistantly change our marketing techniques and keep upto date with what our competitors are doing. Being a lot younger then our competitors and being in this industry hass allowed us to overtake our ##aps##more qualified##aps## rivals.
What types of marketing do you employ?
Word of mouth has got to be the most successful marketing method. You satisfy one customer##comma## you##aps##ll have ten new ones. Hate to bring up cliches but ##aps##the customer is always right##aps##. Treat the cusomters with utmost respect and it really pays off.
Do you employ any web or online marketing?
Well without technology our company would not exist##comma## as almost all our work is over the Internet. Technology plays a crucial role.
What role does trust play in business or in your organization?
Money. Money is the best part of a business##comma## but also the trickiest part. Anything involving money MUST be contracted and legally binding- i can tell you from personal experience##comma## it will save you time in the short term to let things pass##comma## but they will catch upto you and be a major hassle in the long term.
Did you struggle with starting your own organization or venture? Why did you decide to begin on your own?
I have never##comma## up until a few months before SurfVibe was created##comma## wanted to be in business. I always felt it was boring meetings with boring people with very litle chance of making it. It just goes to show how quick things can change##comma## and if you really want anything##comma## no matter how impossible it seems##comma## go for it.
What books or resources would you recommend for individuals starting off now?
I can##aps##t actually remember the names of any! Marcouse is a good author##comma## i##aps##d recommend reading his book (They are a pretty big though!)
Do you notice any trends in the marketplace? If so, what are they?
Many people tell me the Internet is dying. I hope not! the majority of surfvibe and its business is over the net. No one can tell how business is going to be. We shape it##comma## and i dont fear change as i feel our team can adapt to handle anything the market has to throw at us##comma## that may sound a little big headed but sometimes you have to have a little self belief….and faith!
Do you believe networking and contacts are important? If so, how?
Vital. I cannot stress the importance of building bridges and making contacts. I think it would be impossible for almost all businesses to succeed without having contacts##comma## and i would advise all up and coming businesses to make as many contacts in the big wide world as possible.
What do you think about contracts and other legal obligations? Are they important in your business?
Nothing is impossible. Everything is achievable. no matter how ridiculous something sounds##comma## if you set yourself to it##comma## work logically and rationally you will achieve it eventually.
If there is one thing that would sum up your advice to new entrepreneurs, what would it be?
I currently hold no degree##comma## no MBA not even an A level in business studies.I havent even been to univertisy college yet! I##aps##m still only 17! I think its vital to have a full as possible understanding of business##comma## but i think you dont need a degree to succeed. just reading books is sufficient. As long as you have a skill and the will power to see things through##comma## you can make it.
What, if any, final advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?
As i##aps##v said before. find a skill##comma## get some business knowledge and dont stop before your as big as Bill Gates or Rupert Murdoch! Nothing can stop you if you dont let it. ##aps##The World is your Oyster##aps##.