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RuchitShah Inc. | | CEO | 01/04/2003 | CEO
Ruchit K. Shah is Co-Founder and CEO of a full service interactive advertising agency specializing in media buying and planning.
What kind of training or education did you acquire before your venture?
I am a nineteen year old Junior at the University of Texas at Austin. Myself and Richard Hecker##comma## our President##comma## co-founded this company on April 22nd##comma## 2000. At the time##comma## I had about two years of experience in the Internet as a whole and a few weeks of experience in Internet Advertising specifically.
What services or products does your organization offer?
ClickZen is an interactive advertising agency that provides everything from ad creation to media buying and execution of your campaign. ClickZen is headquartered in New York City##comma## NY.
What type of business or organization do you operate?
ClickZen is a S-class corporation. We had initially chosen a C-class but decided to switch over to S-class because instead of being taxed twice on income##comma## we##aps##d only be taxed once##comma## and with only two shareholders we didn##aps##t need the unlimited benefits which the C-class offers.
How many employees do you currently have?
How did you originally discover the idea for your organization?
Our business model was developed through believe it or not##comma## trial and error. We tried numerous things that we wanted to do but realized they were not feasible and decided upon Media Buying and Planning as the focus of our business as it was what we did best and it also held to be the most profitable.
How did you originally fund your organization?
ClickZen began on a $280 investment
Are you the founder of your organization?
Do you believe there is any distinct culture within your organization? If so, please describe it.
Our company being largely virtual has a distant but rather interconnected culture. Everyone is there to help everyone else##comma## in fact the process by which salaries and income for our employees is calculated is by and large a result of how well the company does. We incentize our people to work together as closely as possible.
What obstacles or challenges have you faced in your organization?
Perhaps the largest obstacle in this industry is being taken seriously and being given a chance to compete. First we began by rarely disclosing our age and flaunting our other talents as well. Eventually##comma## with the help of the Press we were able to have something like an article in yesterdays WSJ as a show of just the legitimacy of our company. The Press is a great tool in building your company as it leads to more business and it can help neutralize the obstacles.
Did you accept any advice along the way? Do you believe new organizations should be open to such advice?
Personally##comma## we have had few advisors along the way and as a whole it has hurt us in some places and helped in others. As an Entrepreneur##comma## you have to use your gut quite a bit##comma## thats what got you started and thats what will keep you going. An advisor I believe is important to keep you sane and to make sure you don##aps##t repeat a mistake that may already have been made. Plus##comma## its great to have someone to talk to about it all.
Did you receive any help along the way from other businesses or organizations? If so, how and from whom?
We haven##aps##t joined many organizations##comma## but those which have helped our business grow include the Association of Interactive Marketing and other such trade associations.
What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success?
One word##comma## persistence. Don##aps##t give up##comma## don##aps##t be stubborn either. If something isnt##aps## working##comma## change it. Perhaps the biggest problem and if you avoid this##comma## you are almost guaranteed success##comma## is knowing problems exist but ignoring them. You must think things through completely##comma## leave things to chance but not to the chance of them going wrong##comma## just to the chance of them going right. If you see a potential problem##comma## don##aps##t count on fate##comma## you must fix it. On the other hand##comma## if it is##aps##nt broken##comma## you##aps##re not trying hard enough.
What kind of relationship do you establish with your customers or clients?
The edge is in building key relationships. One customer for life is better than ten one time buyers. The better your relationships with people in your industry##comma## the larger your edge over your competition. Technology is something which anyone can come up with##comma## building a good relationship requires time##comma## trust and commitment. If you abide by those three rules in all of your endeavors##comma## I think you will always have the edge.
What types of marketing do you employ?
The best marketing method for a business services company like ours is sending out press releases. We make them interesting and as a result of our age##comma## there is another bonus for the Press to publish them. Another great idea is pulling marketing gimmicks##comma## stunts##comma## for your company to succeed you have to get people##aps##s attention. Without it##comma## they won##aps##t be attracted to your company and won##aps##t have a reason to take a risk on you because that is exactly what they will be doing.
Do you employ any web or online marketing?
It actually hasn##aps##t…not yet anyway.
What role does trust play in business or in your organization?
You either learn from your mistakes or you fail. Underestimating your competition##comma## and just not putting in the TTC with your clients and your endeavors are the biggest mistakes that can be made. Time ##comma## Trust##comma## Commitment.
Did you struggle with starting your own organization or venture? Why did you decide to begin on your own?
I think from the start I knew I wanted to get involved in business but thats about all that had been envisioned##comma## the rest is a result of fate##comma## circumstance##comma## destiny##comma## take your pick##comma## lol
What books or resources would you recommend for individuals starting off now?
I honestly haven##aps##t read many of these but have been told they are good. The Art of War by Sun Tzu. One that I have read is Iacocca by Lee Iacocca##comma## the former Chairmen of Chryler who turned them from a bankrupt company in 1979 to the powerhouse that they are today. Also##comma## A book by Thomas Friedman called ##quote##the Lexus and the Olive Tree##quote## ##comma## I only recently began reading this onea nd it is not only fascinating but puts our position in the world into perspective.
Do you notice any trends in the marketplace? If so, what are they?
A trend towards lowering expenses and as such toward greater results based marketing##comma## if we are to stick to the advertising business specifically. On a more general level##comma## companies are expecting more for less. I believe that there will inevitably be a company that is better than yours that can do more for less money. However##comma## I think to combat this##comma## you have to build relationships and appeal to people##comma## not profit. Your appeals to people will eventually lead to profit.
Do you believe networking and contacts are important? If so, how?
I think next to keeping an open mind and having ideas##comma## it is the MOST important thing. Your network of friends##comma## fellow entrepreneurs and clients are your lifeblood##comma## you##aps##ve got to build them from day one.
What do you think about contracts and other legal obligations? Are they important in your business?
It isn##aps##t what you know but who you know…Follow your instinct.
If there is one thing that would sum up your advice to new entrepreneurs, what would it be?
I am a true believer in the learn by doign approach. I can watch someone play tennis all day long##comma## or swing a golf club but until I go do it##comma## I wont##aps## know it. In my three years of Internet Advertising##comma## I think I could have gotten an MBA##comma## a Masters in Advertising##comma## and a Masters in Marketing##comma## and wouldn##aps##t be able to do what I can do today. Of course its lovely to have that background but for an entrepreneur##comma## its instinct##comma## go with it.
What, if any, final advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?
Best of luck##comma## contact me##comma## Ruchit Shah##comma## if you ever need help or if you just want to discus ideas or talk about the process. We wouldn##aps##t be here today without the serious assistance we received along the way and at this point##comma## its time to pay it forward.