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Leode Leon

de Leon Enterprises & Associates##comma## Inc. | | President/CEO | 07/30/2004 | Small Business Owner
Leo de Leon (23) is CEO and President of de Leon Enterprises & Associates##comma## Inc.##comma## a business development and marketing group in Nashville##comma## TN which currently thrives in four industries – Health and Wellness##comma## Beauty##comma## Business to Business Solutions##comma## and Network Development Systems.

What kind of training or education did you acquire before your venture?
I started my own business when I was 18. I was in my last year of High School##comma## and I decided that education can be aquired not only in the classroom##comma## but in the actual field. I have learned most of what I know about business through books##comma## tapes##comma## and mentors.

What services or products does your organization offer?
de Leon Enterprises & Associates##comma## Inc. is an Internet marketing company that distributes prodcuts and services. We link small businesses and individuals to an array of manufacturers and retailers we have contracts with##comma## profiting from the volume purchased through us. We distribute wellness products such as vitamins and supplements ( We also distribute high-quality beauty products to individuals or businessses. We also provide high-quality products to other businesses##comma## from floor-care products##comma## to fax machines and copiers ( We also develop networks among those individuals and small businessess.

What type of business or organization do you operate?
We are incorporated. Personal finances are supposed to stay personal##comma## so to God what##aps##s God##aps##s and to Caesar what##aps##s Caesar##aps##s.

How many employees do you currently have?

How did you originally discover the idea for your organization?
Our business model was developed with basic marketing strategies##comma## and since it is focused on sales##comma## we have adopted a philosophy that I was able to understand while attending a training course by a Cutco(tm) manager: ##quote##If you can create a need in a person##comma## you can sell them anything!##quote##. We##aps##re constantly educated by TV commercials##comma## so we have adopted the same strategy. Our purpose is education and distribution.

How did you originally fund your organization?

Are you the founder of your organization?

Do you believe there is any distinct culture within your organization? If so, please describe it.
Our company is being built on the principles of Free Enterprise. We believe that God has given everyone the ability to succeed in anything that we set our minds on. We believe that in love##comma## war##comma## and business… there are no rules!

What obstacles or challenges have you faced in your organization?
The start was hard. There were obsticles##comma## we##aps##re still getting those##comma## but what has helped overcome every single one of them can be described by one simple word – ##quote##determination##quote##. Focus on the Prize and not on the Price. If your mind is set on a goal##comma## it better be something that you##aps##re willing to crawl on broken glass for.

Did you accept any advice along the way? Do you believe new organizations should be open to such advice?
I believe that whether you are a young entrepreneour or an ##quote##old dog##quote####comma## mentors are an escential key to your success in business. I often hear that a leader is not he who looks back who see who##aps##s folliwing him##comma## but someone who knows who he is following as he moves ahead. It is only logical that if you##aps##re trying to get somewhere##comma## someone who##aps##s already there can take you by the hand and help you. The most successful business people in America have written books. Read them! Learn from them! Find a mentor!

Did you receive any help along the way from other businesses or organizations? If so, how and from whom?
Absolutely. My best friends are also entrepreneurs who own mutli-million-dollar organizations all over the world. They have done what I am trying to do. Two of the most remarkable ones are Crown Enterprises##comma## and Moran & Associates##comma## both Nashville-based businesses.

What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success?
Other than the input of many successful business owners##comma## vision##comma## consistancy##comma## and determination are the pillars of our organization.

What kind of relationship do you establish with your customers or clients?
By viewing our business through the consumer##aps##s eyes. If I was my client##comma## what would I expect from the company? If I was an associate##comma## what would I want? What would make me happy if I was a client?

What types of marketing do you employ?
Incentives are a huge part of our business. We reward our clients with things they wouldn##aps##t expect##comma## such as free products and gifts. We also reward our associates for a job well done and for going the extra mile to get things done. The high-touch##comma## one-on-one relationship with our clients and associates is our best weapon in the fast-paced##comma## sometimes heartless world of marketing.

Do you employ any web or online marketing?
Absolutely. All of our products and services are distributed on-line. I happen to believe that the world is shifting the Internet as the source of everything it needs##comma## from the soap in your bathroom##comma## to the tires in your car. I believe that there is a ton of money to be made in moving products and services##comma## more than actually making them##comma## and that those of us involved today will be the billionaires of tomorrow.

What role does trust play in business or in your organization?
Absolutely. My worst mistake has always been to get discouraged. In the world of business##comma## you cannot afford to get discouraged. In my industry##comma## consistency is key to making a profit. When I get discouraged##comma## it is hard to keep up with the work. That##aps##s when I need to think of what got me here on the first place.

Did you struggle with starting your own organization or venture? Why did you decide to begin on your own?
Before I turned 18##comma## I wanted nothing to do with business. I was all about the fun. However##comma## when I looked at it as something that could provide me with choices in life… it basically just clicked… it made sense. Today##comma## I cannot deal with the idea of a 9-5 job##comma## because all a job will ever be is… a job. I can##aps##t sell it##comma## I can##aps##t inherit it##comma## I only get paid once for my work##comma## I##aps##m a slave to the hours##comma## they only pay me what they think I##aps##m worth… well##comma## it##aps##s just not the smartest choice##comma## in my opinion.

What books or resources would you recommend for individuals starting off now?
Well##comma## it depends. If you##aps##re dealing with people##comma## i.e. sales##comma## customer service##comma## etc##comma## I highly recommend John Maxwell##aps##s books on leadership. Also Dale Carnegie. For business attitude and thinking##comma## Robert Kyosaki is the man! For personal finances##comma## Dave Ramsey is the king. For motivation and inspiration##comma## also for ideas##comma## read books by Norman V. Peale##comma## Michael Dell##comma## Alex Spanos##comma## Bill Gates##comma## etc.

Do you notice any trends in the marketplace? If so, what are they?
Retail business is changing for good. Michael Dell introduced something that will change the world forever-Internet direct marketing##comma## where the client deals directly with the manufacturer##comma## reducing costs and building relationships. One day soon##comma## every family in America will buy everything they need from the Internet at wholesale price##comma## no shipping charges and everything will be delivered the same day it was ordered. Think about it##comma## it##aps##s already starting to happen. First ##quote##Main Street##quote####comma## then department store##comma## then the superstore##comma## then the mall… now… the Internet.

Do you believe networking and contacts are important? If so, how?
Networking creates a stronger support for your organization. It is a win-win situation##comma## where all parties will do their best to accomplish a common goal##comma## thus increasing the opportunity to succeed. Our business is based on building relationships with our associates##comma## and in more than one ocation##comma## it has been a relationship what has made the difference. Donald Trump owed $900 million to 90 banks. What saved him from total ruin was the relationships he built with the bank head people.

What do you think about contracts and other legal obligations? Are they important in your business?
Wow… that##aps##s a tough one. The one most important thing I have learned about business is that winning is losing and winning enough that you know the difference.

If there is one thing that would sum up your advice to new entrepreneurs, what would it be?
I believe that formal education will lead you in the direction you##aps##re planning to go##comma## but it will be informal education what will determine whether you##aps##re successful or not. Most successful people in the world are school drop-outs. The way wealthiest people get rich is via business. Most ##quote##educated##quote## people got jobs##comma## not businesses. (Refer to ##quote##Rich Dad##comma## Poor Dad##quote## by Robert Kyosaki)

What, if any, final advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?
Keep your eye on the prize##comma## tiger!

This addedinterviews article was written by Leo de Leon on 3/9/2005

Leo de Leon de Leon Enterprises & Associates##comma## Inc. Small Business Owner