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 Whether you are in British Columbia, Ontario, Sasketchewan or Quebec, if you are starting a business in Canada, business loans are going to be a very important part of your overall strategy.  Getting a business loan in Canada may be a little tougher than getting a loan in the states, but it is a very easy process to conduct nevertheless, as long as you know where to look.
When getting a Canada business loan, one of the first things that you want to look for is a small bank or a credit union.  The small lending agencies of Canada will provide new entrepreneurs with a number of excellent options that simply do not exist anywhere else, due to a number of reasons.  First, they do not require a huge profit margin be made to cover their exorbitant expenses, and secondly, they are subject to far fewer regulations than exist in the world of the big corporate banks.  Applying for a Bank of Canada business loan will be more than likely an ounce and a half of frustration that you don’t want to put up with.
You can also check out the many government loan opportunities in Canada.  Canada has a wealth of different options for new entrepreneurs through the Canadian government, and they are all very useful for start up businesses.
And finally, another excellent place to look for a Canada business loan is the P2P market.  P2P loans are exceptionally useful and flexible, and provide a number of different excellent opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else.  You can also use some excellent resources like to help you conduct your loan transactions in a safe and professional manner.

This Business article was written by Mark Karavan on 3/24/2010