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Mike Chadwick & Associates | | Independent Business Owner | 04/01/2003 | Sole Proprietor
Mike Chadwick is President and CEO of Mike Chadwick & Associates##comma## a referall based marketing business that distributes USANA Health Sciences##aps##s Products in Eleven countries around the world.
What kind of training or education did you acquire before your venture?
My career in business began as a CUTCO sales rep for Vector Marketing Corporation. I reached the top commision rank of Field Sales Manager##comma## and worked for two years. Finally I was faced with a choice- either continue on in full time management##comma## or move on to a different company. I Always wanted to own my own business##comma## but the idea of being married to my business##comma## working 70-100 hours a week and having no time for a family life was not very appealing to me. So I discovered a business model that is on the cutting edge of a growing market trend##comma## and it is a way to have both time and money. Currently I##aps##m enrolled full time in Monroe Community College##comma## and pursuing an associates degree in Business Administration with a focus on E-commerce.
What services or products does your organization offer?
My company helps people set up profitable home based businesses so they can have the financial freedom to pursue their dreams. We have a dynamic system with a proven track record of success in home based entrepreneurship. Just like McDonalds##comma## you have to have a system that anyone can do. The results from our system are located on this website: I work out of my home in Rochester##comma## NY.
What type of business or organization do you operate?
I decided to choose a Sole Propietorship. The reason I did this is because it requires the least amount of paperwork##comma## and because I do not have any employees and work out of my house##comma## I felt that I did not have any assets that were liable.
How many employees do you currently have?
How did you originally discover the idea for your organization?
It started in the 1940##aps##s with California Vitamins. The products were too high quality to compete with what was on the shelves##comma## so the founders of this company thought ##quote##wouldn##aps##t it be a great idea if we had a network of sales people who could explain the value of these products? and then instead of advertising##comma## we could pay them a percentage of what they sell and everything their organization sells?##quote## In the 1950##aps##s##comma## California Vitamins became Nutrilite##comma## and was acquired by the AMWAY corporation. The industry of Network Marketing was born. According to the Direct Selling Association##comma## Network Marketing does over 100 billion dollars in sales today all over the world##comma## with $25 billion in the U.S. alone. And it has created more millionaires then in the history of business. In Richard Poes book##comma## ##quote##Wave three##quote## he talks about the history of this wonderful industry and about new companies that are using technology to revolutionize and legitamize Network Marketing. I ##aps##d strongly reccomend it.
How did you originally fund your organization?
Personal funds. The total startup costs are less then $1400.
Are you the founder of your organization?
Do you believe there is any distinct culture within your organization? If so, please describe it.
Not really.
What obstacles or challenges have you faced in your organization?
Time management issues. Because i work for myself##comma## i don##aps##t have a boss breathing down my back##comma## so it is difficult to balance all my committments. Focus and Desire are the keys.
Did you accept any advice along the way? Do you believe new organizations should be open to such advice?
VITAL. You need to find a mentor who has achieved success in your field##comma## and you need to do what he did.
Did you receive any help along the way from other businesses or organizations? If so, how and from whom?
Success Team International. The training and support organization that has mentored me into success.
What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success?
It is still growing##comma## but I made a committment that I would not quit##comma## that my dreams are bigger then any obstacle in achieving them. In fact##comma## a friend once told me ##quote## If you put your eyes on your obstacles##comma## you lose sight of your dreams.##quote## Never give up. The only way to failure is to quit.
What kind of relationship do you establish with your customers or clients?
Because I am an independent business owner##comma## the company I am joint ventured with##comma## USANA Health Sciences##comma## INC ( has a team of research and development and marketing professionals that are constantly making sure they are the best of the best. They have invested millions of dollars into research and development for our products##comma## and also a lot into training and support for our team. Mike Chadwick & Associates offers an opportunity that is truly second to none because of the company I have behind me that is doing their job.
What types of marketing do you employ?
Face to Face##comma## eye to eye over coffee##comma## edification and three way calls. First share a little information with a lot of people##comma## then a lot of information with a few amounts of people##comma## and recruit the best. Age is a factor##comma## so what I have done is surrounded myself with successful people and their credibility has transfered to me. If I have a prospect who has questions##comma## I immedietly refer them to my mentor##comma## who is successful.
Do you employ any web or online marketing?
The internet allows me to instantly get information into people##aps##s hands. That saves me a ton in postage.
What role does trust play in business or in your organization?
In this type of business##comma## their is ownly one way to make money-volume . If what I##quote##m doing is not resulting in moving products##comma## I am wasting my time. I was so afraid of people saying no that I would do all these activities that make me feel like i##aps##m working the business##comma## but i wasn##aps##t talking to new people. So what I learned is to isolate exactly what activities are productive##comma## and when I have scheduled time to do so##comma## only do that. If I##quote##m not selling products to new distributors or new customers##comma## i##aps##m wasting my time. So I don##aps##t waste time anymore.
Did you struggle with starting your own organization or venture? Why did you decide to begin on your own?
I always wanted to be my own boss. But at the right time this opportunity fell into my lap##comma## and I thought I would be brain dead if I didnt##aps## get involved immedietly.
What books or resources would you recommend for individuals starting off now?
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill##comma## Success is not an accident by Tommy Newberry##comma## Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiosaki##comma## Multiple streams of Income by Robert Allen##comma## The olympian within by John Naber. What you##aps##ll find is that your sucess will increase at the rate that you increase as a person. Invest more time ##comma## effort and money into yourself then anything else.
Do you notice any trends in the marketplace? If so, what are they?
Home based businesses- people are realizing that time is worth more then money##comma## and they want to be able to make money and have time for their family. Also Health and Wellness- Babybooomers will do anything to keep from getting old.
Do you believe networking and contacts are important? If so, how?
Again##comma## VITAL. And when opportunity comes##comma## take action. Rememebr your success is also all about relationships.
What do you think about contracts and other legal obligations? Are they important in your business?
That business is not about products##comma## its about relationships with people. Making a difference in people##aps##s lives.
If there is one thing that would sum up your advice to new entrepreneurs, what would it be?
Depends on the business. It is more important that you dress for success##comma## and carry yourself in a sophisticated way that commands respect then to have an MBA and be an arrogant S.O.B 🙂
What, if any, final advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?
Keep the end in mind. Never lose sight of your dreams##comma## and once you discover them##comma## become committed and on##aps##t quit.