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Auction profit is not a program. It simply refers to the profit you are going to obtain when you sell something at auction. There are a number of programs that teach you how to work auctions, and promise huge profits, but a word to the wise, research them very, very carefully. As with any promise, the company selling you their program has their interest in mind first. If you decide to go ahead and become a reseller on such online auction giants as Ebay, know intimately the products you are representing, what sources you will have to use to obtain them, and who your suppliers are. No one is going to buy anything from you if they can pick it up locally for less money. Check with other auctioneers whose products fall into the same category as yours and look at closed auctions to see what they products are selling for.
I am not suggesting that you can’t make money this way because you most certainly can. I have several friends working successfully as resellers on Ebay, but they didn’t get there overnight, and they aren’t raking in thousands of dollars on the products they sell. They make a respectable living selling products they have knowledge of, and that they can obtain locally or from a drop shipper they trust.
So, if anyone offers you what seems like atypical results as a promised auction profit, consider checking out other sources for the same information. There are a number of good books out that explain the entire process. Visit your local library. It’s free.