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One-Minute Guide To Achieving Anything
It’s about that time when we start to forget what the heck we even resolved to do this not-so-new-anymore year. I see it around the office. People who had big goals, like quitting smoking, are starting to give up.
“Oh well&ldots; maybe next year.”
NO! Give me a minute first.
Obviously, being the goal-oriented guy that I am, this kind of thing makes me a little angry. So, let me take a minute to stop your would-be abandonment of your resolution with a little bit of advice.
Listen – no matter how far you are from your resolution after a month and half, you DON’T have to give up. You just need to refine & ldots;.
People ask me the same question all the time: “What’s your secret to success?”
And let me tell you&ldots; the answer is really darn simple!
I plan to succeed.
It sounds simple, right? Yet it’s often the most overlooked element to success. Since I caught you in time, you have a good chance to put that piece of advice on your New Years Resolutions – albeit just a little behind schedule. Here’s the truth: Most people fail to follow through on New Year’s resolutions for one of three reasons:
The resolution isn’t specific and measurable.
The resolution is too extreme.
They have no plan to succeed.
Let’s look at those&ldots;
The resolution isn’t specific and measurable
Too many people say things like “I resolve to lose some weight” or “I resolve to make more money.” Good resolutions, but they leave too much open to interpretation. If you lose a pound, that’s some weight, right? If you get a $50 bonus at work, that’s some money, right? Make your resolutions – which are really just goals – specific. “I resolve to lose 10 pounds by June 1” or “I resolve to make $100 extra each month beginning in April.”
(HINT: For even better results, make your resolution POSITIVE. For example, “I will run in the big 10K race this May” is better than “I will lose 10 pounds.” Why? Because it gives you something to strive for – and a reward. Negative goals are HARD to fulfill because you’re focusing on depriving yourself of something instead of rewarding yourself.)
The resolution is too extreme
When we set a goal and fail, we feel bad. This can discourage us from moving forward. Break things up into manageable pieces. “I resolve to be a millionaire this year” is perhaps a good goal if you already have $975,000 in the bank. But it may not be attainable for many of us. Perhaps a better goal would be “I resolve to open a new savings account and have a $2,500 balance by December 31.” Challenge yourself, but don’t set unreasonable expectations.
They have no plan to succeed
This is the biggest problem of all. Sometimes I get the chance to talk to people who purchased one of our courses but never built a business. When I ask them why, it usually comes down to “I just didn’t do it.” You have to have a plan to succeed, even if you start small. If you want to write a book, plan to write at least 15 minutes each day. Before long, you’ll have page after page completed. Big projects – and resolutions for that matter – don’t get completed in one day. You have to plan to work toward your goal each and every day.
Try these three simple steps with one of your New Year’s resolutions (or any other goal you may have) and I think you’ll be surprised at the results.
Russ Dalbey
The Dalbey Education Institute
Russ Dalbey – Winning In The Cash Flow Business